Zodiac Colors and Correspondance

Astrological Zodiac Colors and Correspondences

Aries (March 21 April 20) Ruling planet - Mars. Dark Red, usually the darker shades of scarlet or crimson. Magically the planet Mars is the purifier and destroyer who sweeps aside the stagnant, the unwanted and the redundant so progress can be made. Alternatively, the planet of war also represents the creative principle and the unconscious urge for the human species to reproduce itself, for life and death are two aspects of the same energy.

Taurus (April 21-May 21) Ruling planet - Venus. Green, ranging from the palest apple green to the dark olive of the earth forces. In magical lore the Venusians energy represents the spiritual desire to unite the opposites and balance the dual forces of male and female. This union was known to the medieval alchemists as "the sacred marriage" and is symbolized in magic and Wicca by the ritual metaphor of the sword in the chalice.

Gemini (May 22 June 21) Ruling planet - Mercury Yellow is the color of this Zodiac sign representing communication and the power of the mind. In occult tradition Gemini is a symbol of the dualism which manifests from the transcendental Oneness and of magus who acts as a go-between carrying messages between Middle Earth and the Otherworld.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Ruling planet - the moon. Light Blue and Silver are the colors of the lunar sphere. It is the realm of the unconscious, the hidden side of the personality and psychic forces.

Leo (July 23-August 23) Ruling planet - the sun. Its colors are gold and Orange. The sun represents the life force and is the visible symbol of the Cosmic Creator in the solar system.

Virgo (August 24-September 23) Ruling planet - Mercury. White is the color associated with this alternative aspect of Mercurial energy It represents the analytical abilities of the mind symbolized by the quest for scientific knowledge.

Libra (September 24-October 23) Ruling planet - Venus. Libra's Pink. It symbolizes the heights attainable by romantic and spiritual love.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22) Ruling planet - Pluto. Red or Gray The energy of the Plutonian sphere is connected with Mars and represents death and regeneration. It has ruler ship over the underworld, the spirits of the departed and nuclear power.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21 ) Ruling planet - Jupiter. Purple and royal blue are the colors of this Zodiac sign. It is an expansive planetary energy connected with the world of finance and social matters.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20) Ruling planet - Saturn. Black is the primary color of the Saturnine energy It rules karma, fate and destiny, the law, old age and property matters.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Ruling planet - Uranus. Blue This planetary energy is a higher octave of Saturn and has ruler ship over magic (forces, astrology and modern technology like television, video and computers).

Pisces (February 20-March 20) Ruling planet - Neptune. Indigo are the colors of Pisces, which is connected with the planetary energy of Jupiter. It has ruler ship over inspiration, matters connected with the sea and entertainment, especially the movie industry.

Posted and shared by Lady Abigail

I re-posted from Facebook. 


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