Stargazing Tips From: Lady Abigail
Witch's Stargazing Tips January 21 The Moon will swing quite close to Jupiter tonight. The planet looks like a brilliant cream-colored star, and stands just to the left of the Moon as night falls. January 22 ... Canopus, the second-brightest star in the night sky, peeks into view on winter evenings for sky watchers in the southern latitudes of the United States. It’s due south around 10 or 11 p.m., almost directly below Sirius, the night sky’s brightest star. January 23 One of the half-dozen brightest stars in the night sky is Capella, the she-goat. It is in the constellation Auriga, which is high overhead during the mid-evening hours. The point of light that we call Capella is really two yellow-giant stars. January 24 A pair of supergiants marks the corners of the constellation Orion, which is in the south this evening. Orange Betelgeuse marks Orion’s shoulder, while blue-white Rigel represents his foot. Supergiants are the biggest, heaviest stars. January 25 Draco, w...